Flattening the Curve & How New Zealand Got to Zero Cases and Achieved 100+ days without Community Spread of the Coronavirus
By now, you’ve ogled at and interpreted several charts, graphs, all relating to COVID-19, especially those talking about flattening the curve.
In simple terms to flatten the curve of a disease means trying to ensure that there is a delay in contagion from one person to another – and slow down the spread of a virus to tackle it patient to patient. If all people get sick at the same time there will not be enough hospital beds to save them.
By wearing masks and other PPE, practicing social distancing, the virus has a lower chance of succeeding and infecting others. Hence the curve starts to flatten.
Several states across the U.S. have started reopening the economy, which means in order to truly follow the guidelines given by the CDC on flattening the curve – everyone should be wearing a mask and practicing social distancing to avoid spread of the coronavirus.