The Clindamycin Injection Shortage | What You Need to Know | Pipeline medical

The Clindamycin Phosphate Injection Shortage: What You Need to Know

July 7, 2023

As of July 06, 2023 the Clindamycin Phosphate Injection is in shortage according to the FDA. Clindamycin injection shortage has become a major concern in the medical community, affecting healthcare facilities and patients who rely on this critical antibiotic for effective treatment. 

Clindamycin, known for its potent antimicrobial properties, has long been used to treat bacterial infections. However, recent supply chain issues have resulted in a shortage, forcing healthcare professionals to seek alternative solutions to ensure continuous patient care.

We delve into the details of the Clindamycin injection shortage, its causes, implications, and the steps healthcare providers can take to navigate this difficult situation in this informative article. Healthcare professionals can make informed decisions to maintain the highest standard of care for their patients by understanding the factors contributing to the shortage and exploring alternative approaches.

ASHP Affected Product list

American Society of Health System Pharmacists (ASHP) published a list of affected Clindamycin Phosphate products on 7/5/2023. The table shows the list of affected products and their manufacturers:

Product Affected Description
Cleocin injection, Pfizer 150 mg/mL, 2 mL vial, 25 count, NDC 00009-0870-26
Cleocin injection, Pfizer 150 mg/mL, 4 mL vial, 25 count, NDC 00009-0775-26
Cleocin injection, Pfizer 150 mg/mL, 6 mL vial, 25 count, NDC 00009-0902-18
Cleocin injection, Pfizer 150 mg/mL, 60 mL bulk vial, 5 count, NDC 00009-0728-09
Clindamycin phosphate injection, Almaject 150 mg/mL, 2 mL vial, 25 count, NDC 72611-0634-25
Clindamycin phosphate injection, Almaject 150 mg/mL, 4 mL vial, 25 count, NDC 72611-0639-25
Clindamycin phosphate injection, Almaject 150 mg/mL, 6 mL vial, 25 count, NDC 72611-0642-25
Clindamycin phosphate injection, Almaject 150 mg/mL, 60 mL bulk vial, 1 count, NDC 72611-0645-55
Clindamycin phosphate injection, Baxter 300 mg/50 mL, in 0.9% sodium chloride premixed container, 24 count, NDC 00338-9545-50
Clindamycin phosphate injection, Baxter 300 mg/50 mL, in 5% dextrose premixed container, 24 count, NDC 00338-3410-50
Clindamycin phosphate injection, Baxter 600 mg/50 mL, in 0.9% sodium chloride premixed container, 24 count, NDC 00338-9549-50
Clindamycin phosphate injection, Baxter 600 mg/50 mL, in 5% dextrose premixed container, 24 count, NDC 00338-3612-50
Clindamycin phosphate injection, Baxter 900 mg/50 mL, in 0.9% sodium chloride premixed container, 24 count, NDC 00338-9553-50
Clindamycin phosphate injection, Baxter 900 mg/50 mL, in 5% dextrose premixed container, 24 count, NDC 00338-3814-50
Clindamycin phosphate injection, Sagent 150 mg/mL, 2 mL vial, 25 count, NDC 25021-0115-02
Clindamycin phosphate injection, Sagent 150 mg/mL, 4 mL vial, 25 count, NDC 25021-0115-04
Clindamycin phosphate injection, Sagent 150 mg/mL, 6 mL vial, 25 count, NDC 25021-0115-06
Clindamycin phosphate injection, Sagent 150 mg/mL, 60 mL bulk vial, 1 count, NDC 25021-0115-51
Clindamycin phosphate injection, Sandoz 300 mg/50 mL, in 5% dextrose premixed container, 24 count, NDC 00781-3288-09
Clindamycin phosphate injection, Sandoz 600 mg/50 mL, in 5% dextrose premixed container, 24 count, NDC 00781-3289-09
Clindamycin phosphate injection, Sandoz 900 mg/50 mL, in 5% dextrose premixed container, 24 count, NDC 00781-3290-09

The causes and contributing factors behind the shortage

The shortage of clindamycin phosphate injection has many root causes and contributors. The rising incidence of bacterial infections is contributing to the high demand for Clindamycin products. Manufacturers already felt the pinch from the growing demand from hospitals and individuals for medical supplies.

ASHP has shared reasons from various manufacturers for the shortage of Clindamycin Phosphate Injection. The table below summarizes that information for a quick understanding:

Manufacturer Reason for Shortage Notes
Almaject Discontinued Clindamycin injection discontinued in 2023.
Baxter Third Party Issue Baxter is experiencing a shortage of clindamycin injection due to a third party supplier issue.
Pfizer Manufacturing Delays Pfizer is facing manufacturing delays, resulting in a shortage of clindamycin injection.
Sagent Manufacturing Delays Sagent is experiencing manufacturing delays, leading to a shortage of clindamycin injection.
Sandoz Not Provided Sandoz has not provided a specific reason for the shortage of clindamycin injection.

Estimated re-stock dates

As the shortage of Clindamycin injection continues, it is essential that medical professionals know when the medication is expected to be available. Medical centers can better manage their supplies and schedule patients’ treatments by keeping tabs on the latest information released by drug makers like Baxter, Pfizer, Sagent, and Sandoz. 

It is advised that during this shortage, close cooperation with suppliers, investigation of alternate medications, and prioritization of patient care take precedence. 

Fortunately, ASHP has also provided the manufacturers’ expected restocking dates:

  1. Baxter: Baxter currently has a limited allocation of Clindamycin premixed bags in 0.9% sodium chloride. The available strengths include 300 mg/50 mL, 600 mg/50 mL, and 900 mg/50 mL. However, the premixed bags in 5% dextrose are also on limited allocation. Healthcare professionals are advised to work closely with Baxter representatives to manage their inventory and ensure a steady supply.

  2. Pfizer: For healthcare providers relying on Cleocin, Pfizer has shared estimated release dates for different vial sizes. The 150 mg/mL Clindamycin Cleocin vials in 2 mL and 6 mL sizes are projected to be available starting in July 2023. The 4 mL vials are expected to have an estimated release date in August 2023, while the 60 mL vials are anticipated to be available by September 2023. Keep these timelines in mind when planning treatment schedules and patient care.

  3. Sagent: Clindamycin phosphate injections in various vial sizes from Sagent are currently on back order. Unfortunately, the company has not provided a specific release date at this time. Healthcare professionals are encouraged to closely monitor updates from Sagent and explore suitable alternatives while managing patient care during this shortage.

  4. Sandoz: Sandoz is experiencing a shortage of Clindamycin premixed bags, including 300 mg/50 mL, 600 mg/50 mL, and 900 mg/50 mL strengths. Similar to Sagent, the company has not provided an estimated release date for resupply. Healthcare providers are advised to maintain open communication with Sandoz representatives and consider alternative options to mitigate the impact on patient care.

Manufacturing Challenges

The increased demand and manufacturing issues have both contributed to the current shortage. Compliance with stringent quality control standards and regulatory guidelines is essential when manufacturing pharmaceutical products. Any problems that arise during production can cause shortages and backlogs. Manufacturers may have trouble keeping up with demand for clindamycin phosphate injection due to factors like equipment breakdowns, raw material shortages, and the complexity of production.

Clindamycin phosphate injection is hard to come by because of supply chain problems. The supply chain for pharmaceuticals is notoriously intricate and vulnerable to disruptions. Supply shortages can be exacerbated by factors like transport delays, logistical challenges, and global events like natural disasters and pandemics.

Exploring Alternatives and Considerations

When clinics run out of Clindamycin phosphate injection, doctors and nurses must find alternatives to keep patients healthy. Here, we discuss alternatives to antibiotics for certain conditions, potential difficulties in making the switch, and the value of consulting with medical professionals when making such adjustments. Alternative antibiotics to Clindamycin phosphate injection may be investigated by medical professionals based on the symptoms being treated.

  1. For skin and soft tissue infections, antibiotics such as cephalexin, doxycycline, or trimethoprim/sulfamethoxazole can be considered.

  2. Respiratory tract infections may respond well to alternatives like amoxicillin or azithromycin.

  3. Intra-abdominal infections may require alternative options such as metronidazole or ceftriaxone.

  4. Consulting with infectious disease specialists or clinical guidelines can help determine the most appropriate alternative antibiotic for each specific indication.

Potential Challenges in Switching Medications

Switching medications during a shortage of Clindamycin phosphate injection can present challenges. When choosing an antibiotic alternative, doctors must take into account factors like dosage regimens, possible side effects, and drug interactions. 

To make sure the alternative is safe and effective, the patient’s medical history, allergies, and current medications must be examined. During this time, you may need to make some changes to your methods of administration, dosage calculations, and other monitoring parameters. To achieve the best possible therapeutic results, it is essential to closely monitor the patient’s reaction to the alternative medication.

Appropriate substitution determined through discussion with medical experts. It is critical for healthcare providers to consult with other medical experts, such as infectious disease specialists or pharmacists, when deciding to substitute Clindamycin phosphate injection. These experts have specialized training and knowledge, and they can advise you on suitable alternatives.

During the shortage of Clindamycin phosphate injection, doctors will need to research suitable alternatives, plan for potential difficulties in making the switch, and consult with colleagues. Healthcare providers can prioritize patient safety and improve therapeutic outcomes by using these methods, while still providing high-quality care.

The Importance of Consistency in Patient Treatment

Consistency in patient treatment is paramount, particularly when it comes to antibiotic therapy. In the context of Clindamycin injection shortage, maintaining a consistent course of treatment becomes even more crucial. Antibiotics like Clindamycin are specifically prescribed for their ability to combat bacterial infections effectively. Interrupted or delayed treatment can have significant consequences for patients and their recovery.

The potential consequences of interrupted or delayed treatment can range from incomplete resolution of the infection to the development of antibiotic resistance. Bacterial infections require a full course of treatment to ensure complete eradication of the bacteria, preventing relapses or the emergence of more resistant strains. When treatment is interrupted or delayed, bacteria may have an opportunity to survive and multiply, leading to ongoing infection and potential complications.

At Pipeline Medical, we prioritize the needs of healthcare facilities and patients. We understand the impact that medication shortages can have on patient care. To address this, we have implemented robust inventory management practices and established strong partnerships with reputable manufacturers. This allows us to ensure a stable supply of Clindamycin injection and other essential medications, even during shortage. Healthcare facilities can trust us to provide the medications they need to deliver uninterrupted care to their patients.

Pipeline Medical understands the urgency and criticality of uninterrupted patient care, and we are forever dedicated to ensuring a stable supply of medical supplies and pharmaceuticals.

Picture of by Kinza Khan
by Kinza Khan

July 7, 2023