Medical Supply Shortage

Pipeline Medical Comes to the Rescue During Supply Shortages

December 21, 2021

The premiere of the COVID-19 Pandemic shook up the entire world, and not only took the lives of many of our friends, family, and loved ones, but impacted the jobs, businesses, and daily lives of many of us across the world. Disruptions
to the global supply chain came on like water bursting through a dam; and naturally, a sizeable amount of healthcare workers and medical facilities were heavily impacted due to the overwhelming amount of COVID-19 infected patients coming in. That’s not where it ended.

Suddenly, many of us outside the realm of healthcare were now deemed to be “essential workers”, like first responders (which included Law Enforcement Officers, paramedics, EMTs firefighters) as well as grocery store employees. Many found themselves without enough medical supplies both at work and at home, to protect themselves and their loved ones as we navigated the unknown waters known as COVID-19. Pipeline Medical’s powerhouse team of account managers and customer service representatives has been answering the call before and during the COVID-19 pandemic, helping to support medical facilities and healthcare practitioners day after day. Our call center handles account management, order placement, general questions, and inquiries, as well as coordination with our core customers through the entire procurement process from order to delivery.

Much more than just another supply company 

Pipeline Medical has garnered a reputation for being much more than just another medical supply company. Many companies that supply products operate by the standard of taking the order, fulfilling the order from the stock in the warehouse. Pipeline works with multiple distributors from multiple warehouses to ensure nothing but the best in customer satisfaction and timely and accurate deliveries. They also have products in stock to help battle continuous shortages of supplies nationwide. For example, like many pharmaceutical supply companies, Pipeline supplies the
widely used anesthetic Lidocaine. They also supply the alternative Zidocaine, and other FDA-approved generic alternatives, offering even more savings and a bioequivalent substitution without compromising dosage, strength, safety, or quality. Additionally, Pipeline supplies the popular paralytic Rocuronium, which many surgeries cannot be facilitated without.

Damage to a power plant during a recent span of hurricanes across the Atlantic left many without power, and medical facilities were without supplies necessary to operate. This is when Pipeline Medical stepped in. They went above and beyond the call of duty and imported IVs, Saline, and other medical supplies from Spain to ship to their domestic client base to ensure their operational capabilities weren’t affected and there were no business disruptions.

Answering the COVID Call 

During the height of the COVID-19 Pandemic, Pipeline’s phones were ringing off the hook. Satisfying orders from the Mayo Clinic, Beth Israel Medical Center, the State of Texas, and others, Pipeline Medical was gearing up to plan to navigate uncharted territories soon.

Towards the end of 2019- early 2020, we started receiving massive orders of 100,000-200,000 units and more. That’s the point when we came up with a contingency plan and developed pivot strategies to prepare for what was to come”, says Zachary Ducharme, CEO of Pipeline Medical.

Pipeline Medical offers high-quality medical-grade products worldwide with quick and
efficient shipping to the following facilities:

  • Office-based Surgery Centers
  • Ambulatory Surgery Centers
  • Physician’s Offices
  • Long-term care facilities
  • Urgent care facilities

To shop our complete catalog, visit

Picture of by Pipeline Medical
by Pipeline Medical

December 21, 2021