N95 Mask

Giving Tuesday: New Masks for Nurses

December 1, 2020

Pipeline Medical Initiative

An unfathomable amount of appreciation and respect must be given to all medical professionals, especially this year.

It has been a tough year for medical professionals. Doctors, nurses, and all healthcare workers have been at greater risk of being infected by the coronavirus than normal people – simply because they are the first line of defense.

The frontline has been called heroes without capes, and that’s not too far from the truth. But most of them are doing their jobs, every day, but have not been given the proper means to do so.

On 25 November, I was listening to the Up First podcast where they shared an astounding statistic.

Nearly 80% of nurses don’t have basic gear to do their job. An N95 respirator is not meant for reuse. Yet, as I write this, we just received another email from a nurse who has been using the same mask since May.

Well, it’s time we did something about it.

New Masks for Nurses

If you are practicing registered nurse at a hospital, urgent care unit, private clinic, nursing home, hospice, or any medical facility and require an N95 mask in some of all aspects of your job, and you need a new mask we will send you one for free.

All you have to do is fill out this form and we will ship it out once we’ve verified all the details, while supplies last.

As we write this, we realize there may be several of you who require a mask but don’t have it. And we’ve already started thinking ahead.

Soon, there will be a feature on the Pipeline Medical PPE website that allows users to donate masks or other PPE items to nurses with every purchase.

Please fill out the form and share with nurses you know of who require medical equipment.Thank you for your service. We may not be with you on the frontline, but we’ll do everything in our power to ensure you’re well-equipped to provide care in a safe manner to all Americans.