by Doctors for Doctors
Choose from our range of 700,000 products!
Save 20-50% on your medical supplies & 11 hours every week!
The Pipeline Guarantee
Single source
We work exclusively with factories around the world, monitoring their output, and ensuring compliance with federal regulations.
Competitive price point
Pipeline members save between 20-50% off their medical supply costs annually.
Consistent to supply
Never worry about running on empty. Our team is known to ensure quick and accurate delivery.
Ethical and responsible partners and supplier
Founded by doctors for doctors, we are here to provide a value-add service to medical professionals.
Materials management support & expertise
White-glove material management service from our team, ensuring your supply is there when required, saving you 10-18 hours weekly.
What Our Members Say
Our Mission
Pipeline’s mission is to be the single-source provider for all product and service needs for small and mid-sized medical facilities across the United States.
How You Benefit with Pipeline
Streamline operations and back office functions
Consolidate multiple distributors, manufacturers, and GPOs
Free Material Management support
20-50% average savings on medical supplies annually
8-12 hours savings on administrative tasks each week
Consistent supplies and allocation support
Top brands and manufacturers
Direct relationship with sourcing agents
Logistics expertise and seamless throughput
Long standing presence in the market
Current Clients

Key Partners