Save Today on
Plastic Surgery Supplies

A MedTech marketplace with all major manufactures, distributors, and suppliers in one place. Think Amazon for medical facilities. Order everything from sutures to anesthesia circuits. Streamline your ordering through quick search, 1-on-1 support, and the best prices.

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Denise Winters
RN, Cortez Facial Plastic Surgery
“We are very happy with Pipeline Medical’s value, accessibility, customer service, and efficiency.”
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Jeff Reed
Maine Plastic Surgery
“Pipeline Medical helps you get what you need!”
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Monica Sanchez
EOS Plastic Surgery
“Pipeline not only has the best prices but they truly care about their customers!”

The brands you use and love

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Save 20 - 50% On All Your Medical Supplies

Discover unbeatable savings and hassle-free supply with Pipeline Medical!

#1 Plastic Surgery Medical Supplier in the United States!

Stress free ordering is finally here. Join thousands of plastic surgeons to get the best price, product availability, and customer service in the industry.

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Increase profitability, simplify your ordering

Customers typically save 20% or more annually. Streamline your ordering and material management by using our AI powered MedTech platform. No more searching around for best prices or product availability.

Free Material Management

Let us handle all the hassle of sourcing, compliance, and backorders.

Top Brands

The same brands and manufacturers you use today.

Streamline Ordering

All major distributors and suppliers in one location.

Free Shipping

Free shipping for the first 6 months, then a low minimum order amount.

Highest Quality
Plastic Surgery Supplies

Exclusive partnerships with leading manufacturers bring you more savings & benefits.

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Thousands of pharmaceuticals products, from over the counter (OTC) to controlled substances.

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The best sutures at the best prices. Period.

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Fillers and Toxins

Fillers, toxins, and other cosmetic products. Direct from the manufacturers.

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All the medical supplies you need for running your practice.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why Pipeline Medical?

Expect to save between 20% and 50% annually on your medical, surgical, pharmaceutical, and even office supplies.
There are no fees to join and no monthly or annual dues at Pipeline Medical. We only make money when you are saving money!
Our prices are negotiated directly with multiple manufacturers and distributors; such agreements do not allow us to publish price lists. Additionally, we do not change our prices. We conduct a pricing analysis of your inventory to show you how Pipeline Medical’s prices compare to your current prices – once you sign up you won’t see fluctuations in price either. Click here for a savings analysis.
No, we are neither. We are an aggregated buying group and negotiate prices based off our customers’ spending. This allows us to commit to higher contract tiers and greater volumes.
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